Research study measuring coaching effectiveness with ai

Continuous coaching skills development is a key factor in coaching effectiveness, consistency and measurable impact.
The focus of this Research study is specifically "How AI based tools can improve coaching effectiveness." By supporting coaches in acquiring evidence-based feedback, could we find a solution to the main obstacles?

The study will give us the opportunity to observe scientifically how coaching can benefit from a conscious collaboration with Artificial Intelligence. The more technology enters the workplace, the more the human factor becomes relevant.
Not only coaches, but clients and organizations will benefit from developing a coaching culture that can rely on consistent long term results.

Taking part in the study

The research study is open to the international community of coaches. All coaches who coach in English are invited to take part and benefit from a new understanding of Artificial Intelligence in coaching.
Not only coaches, but also individuals clients, enterprise and coaching schools will benefit from the outcome of the research.
If you are interested in taking part in this research study contact us.


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